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Revision as of 19:29, 27 September 2022 by René Schwarz (talk | contribs)
From M.Eng. René Schwarz, Bremen/Merseburg
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Notice for My Professional Activities/Activities in Official Functions
I work in several institutions professionally or in official positions. If you do not want to contact me as a private individual, but rather professionally, in one of my official capacities or in my capacity as the legal representative of a corporation, please note the separately indicated contact options.

Private Contact Details

Name: M.Eng. René Schwarz
Fax: +49 - 4242 - 59 76 514
E-Mail: mail@rene-schwarz.com (PGP: 0x687A7D75)
I prefer encrypted e-mail communication and would like to encourage everyone to consider installing a free encryption system. Unencrypted e-mails are similar to postcards and can in principle be read by any third party. You can find my own PGP public key below.
Internet: https://www.rene-schwarz.com

PGP Public Key

Gnupg logo.svg

Key ID: 687A7D75
Fingerprint: DC8B FE25 50F7 6FBB 05BB 5917 4B71 ED33 687A 7D75

Professional Contact Details/Contact Details for Official Functions


Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.

Position: Head of GNC Appliances Group, Research Engineer

Address: German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Space Systems
Dept. of GNC Systems (RY-GNC)
M.Eng. René Schwarz
Robert-Hooke-Str. 7
DE–28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 - 421 - 244 20 - 1165
Fax: +49 - 421 - 244 20 - 1084
E-Mail: rene.schwarz@dlr.de
Internet: https://gnc.dlr.de/p/schwarz/