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Curriculum Vitæ (CV)

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From M.Eng. René Schwarz, Bremen/Merseburg
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The authoritative version of my CV can be downloaded here as PDF file. The contents shown below are a transcript from this PDF file for your convenience.

Personal Details

M.Eng. René Schwarz
Salutation Mr. M.Eng.
Full Name René Schwarz
Current Address Mr. M.Eng. René Schwarz
Koenig-Heinrich-Str. 21
DE–06217 Merseburg
Telephone +49 - 162 - 63 96 139
Fax Number +49 - 42 42 - 59 76 514
E-Mail Address mail@rene-schwarz.com (PGP: 0x687A7D75)
Personal Website https://www.rene-schwarz.com
Marital Status Unmarried
Nationality German
Birth Name René Siermann
Date of Birth April 15, 1987
Place of Birth Merseburg, Germany
Current Occupation German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Space Systems, Bremen, Germany
Department of Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems
Research Scientist with Executive Duties

Business Details

Business Address German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Space Systems
Department of Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems
Head of GNC Appliances Group
Mr. M.Eng. René Schwarz
Robert-Hooke-Str. 7
DE–28359 Bremen
Business Telephone +49 - 421 - 244 20 - 11 65
Fax Number +49 - 421 - 244 20 - 11 20
E-Mail rene.schwarz@dlr.de (PGP: 0x687A7D75)
Website http://gnc.DLR.de/p/schwarz/

Professional Experience

since May 21, 2012
Research Scientist
(since January 1, 2014 with Executive Duties)

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Space Systems
Department of Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems
Bremen, Germany


  • Head of GNC Appliances Group (since January 1, 2014)
    Organizational unit and research group with main focus on holistic research, design, development, simulation, implementation, test, and verification of guidance, navigation and control (GNC) appliances for space applications.
  • Head of the Hardware-in-the-Loop Technology Laboratory (since February 14, 2014)
    Laboratory for the development and test of GNC sensors, electronics, hardware, and embedded software in distributed real-time simulations.
  • Deputy Head of the GPS/INS Test & Verification Facility (Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 29, 2016)
    Facility for test and verification of GPS and inertial navigation sensors; equipped with a 3-axis rotation table, thermal chamber, and a L1/L2/L5 GPS constellation simulator.
  • Department IT Manager (since June 7, 2013)

Fields of Work and Expertise:
Simulation & Verification of GNC Appliances; Software for GNC Systems; Embedded Systems; Real-Time Data Acquisition and Handling; Distributed Reliable Systems Design; Reliability and Fault Tolerance; Systems Engineering

Projects: see section “Research Experience


May 4, 2012 Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
in Computer Science and Communication Systems, Specialization in Artificial Intelligence

Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg, Germany

Master's Thesis:

Development of an illumination simulation software for the Moon's surface:
An approach to illumination direction estimation on pictures of solid planetary surfaces with a significant number of craters

in cooperation with the Institute of Space Systems of the German Aerospace Center (DLR)

German Grade ECTS Grade U.S. Grade
Thesis Grade 1.0 (very good) A (excellent) A
Overall Grade 1.0 (very good) A (excellent) GPA: 3.97/4.00


  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Kröner (Merseburg University of Applied Sciences)
  • Dipl. Math.-Techn. Bolko Maass (DLR)
November 13, 2009 Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
in Mechatronics, Industrial and Physics Technology, Specialization in Mechatronics

Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg, Germany

Bachelor's Thesis:

Simulationsmodell eines Reaktionsrades für den Satelliten “AsteroidFinder/SSB”

in cooperation with the Institute of Space Systems of the German Aerospace Center (DLR)

German Grade ECTS Grade U.S. Grade
Thesis Grade 1.0 (very good) A (excellent) A
Overall Grade 2.0 (good) B (very good) GPA: 3.67/4.00


  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Hartmann (Merseburg University of Applied Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Winz (Merseburg University of Applied Sciences)
  • Dr.-Ing. Markus Schlotterer (DLR)
  • Dipl.-Ing. Ansgar Heidecker (DLR)
July 7, 2006 Higher Education Entrance Qualification with Honors (overall German grade 1.3)
July 9, 2003 Secondary School Certificate with Permission to Attendance at Senior Classes with Honors (overall German grade 1.22)


Oct. 2009 – May 2012 Graduate Student
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg, Germany
Faculty of Computer Science and Communication Systems
Master of Engineering Degree Program in Computer Science and Communication Systems, Specialization in Artificial Intelligence

Attended and Passed Courses

  • Computergestützte Datenanalyse (Herr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Eckhard Liebscher)
  • Computergrafik (Herr Dr. rer. nat. habil. Andreas Hartwig)
  • Echtzeitbetriebssysteme (Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Winz)
  • Einführung in die Künstliche Intelligenz (Herr Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Wendt)
  • Elektronische Dokumentation und Multimedia I
    • Auszeichnungssprachen I (Herr Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Meinicke)
    • Grundlagen der 2D-Animation (Herr Prof. Dipl.-Des. Frank Hofmann)
  • Entwurf integrierter Schaltungen und Systeme (Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Becker)
  • Höhere Logikkalküle (Herr Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Michael Schenke)
  • Mobile Computing (Herr M.Eng. Ulrich Borchert)
  • Projektarbeit: Entwurf integrierter Schaltkreise und Systeme (Digital) (Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Becker)
  • Projekt- und Innovationsmanagement
    • Wirtschaftsrecht und Produkthaftung (Frau Prof. Dr. Gerlind Federhoff-Rink)
    • Projektmanagement (Herr Dr. André Döring)
  • Rechnernetze (Herr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Heuert)
  • Roboter in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Hartmann)
  • Simulation und numerische Methoden (Herr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Kröner)
  • Softwareengineering (Herr Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ronny Weinkauf)
  • Ubiquitous Computing (Herr M.Eng. Ulrich Borchert)
  • Verteilte Systeme (Herr Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ronny Weinkauf)
  • Wissensbasierte Systeme (Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Hartmann)
  • Zuverlässigkeit und Qualitätssicherung (Herr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Eckhard Liebscher)
Oct. 2006 – Nov. 2009 Undergraduate Student
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg, Germany
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Bachelor of Engineering Degree Program in Mechatronics, Industrial and Physics Technology, Specialization in Mechatronics

Attended and Passed Courses

  • Aktorik - elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Scheffler)
  • AutoCAD (Dipl.-Ing. Kieser)
  • Computeralgebra (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Kröner)
  • Elektrotechnik / Elektronik I - Gleichstromgrößen und Messtechnik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Monika Trundt)
  • Elektrotechnik / Elektronik II - Wechselstromtechnik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Monika Trundt)
  • Embedded Systems (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Lohöfener)
  • Fachsprache Englisch I (Angelika Wölfer)
  • Fachsprache Englisch II (Angelika Wölfer)
  • Informatik I - Algorithmen und C-Programmierung (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Buchanan)
  • Informatik II - Datenbanksysteme (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Buchanan)
  • Informatik III - Prozessdatenverarbeitung (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Winz)
  • Fertigungstechnik (Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich Schwammel)
  • Fertigungssysteme (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Kademann)
  • Maschinendynamik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst-Herbert Krause)
  • Maschinenelemente / Konstruktionstechnik I - Grundlagen des technischen Zeichnens (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Zöphel)
  • Maschinenelemente / Konstruktionstechnik II (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Zöphel)
  • Maschinenelemente / Konstruktionstechnik III (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Zöphel)
  • Maschinenelemente / Konstruktionstechnik IV - CAD und Konstruktionsmethodik (apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietrich Knoll)
  • Mathematik I (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Otfried Lange)
  • Mathematik II (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Kröner)
  • Mathematik III - Funktionentheorie und Funktionaltransformation (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Kröner)
  • Mechatronische Systeme I (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Lohöfener)
  • Mechatronische Systeme II (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Lohöfener)
  • Mechatronische Systeme III (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Lohöfener)
  • Messtechnik / Sensorik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Lohöfener)
  • Qualitätssicherung und Produkthaftung (Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich Schwammel)
  • Physik I - Experimentalphysik (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Eike Rosenfeld)
  • Physik II - Elektrostatik, Schwingungen und Wellen (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Eike Rosenfeld)
  • Projektmanagement (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heike Mrech)
  • Regelungstechnik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tatjana Lange)
  • Steuerungs- und Automatisierungstechnik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Helm)
  • Strömungslehre (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Staiger)
  • Technische Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inform. Petra Schwerin)
  • Technische Mechanik I - Statik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Kirbs)
  • Technische Mechanik II - Elastostatik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Kirbs)
  • Technische Mechanik III - Dynamik / Kinematik, Getriebetechnik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Kirbs)
  • Technische Thermodynamik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Picht)
  • Werkstofftechnik I (Dr.-Ing. Susanne Fiedler)
  • Werkstofftechnik II (Dr.-Ing. Susanne Fiedler)
  • Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungstechnik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Kademann)
Aug. 2003 – Jul. 2006 Student
Technical High School, Merseburg, Germany
Major: Electrical Engineering
Aug. 1997 – Jun. 2003 Student
“Bertolt Brecht” Secondary School, Zöschen, Germany
Sep. 1993 – Jun. 1997 Student
Elementary School, Wallendorf, Germany

Advanced Training

February 2016 Seminar “Copyright Law”, German Aerospace Center (DLR), DLR Headquarters, Cologne, Germany.
November 2015 Attendance at the Space Tech Expo Europe, November 17–19, 2015, Bremen, Germany.
October 2015 Attendance at the 9th ESA Workshop on Avionics, Data, Control and Software Systems (ADCSS 2015), European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), European Space Agency (ESA) in Noordwijk, Netherlands.
June 2015 Participant of the Dialog between the Executive Board and Junior Managers as Part of the Training for Young Executives. DLR Headquarters, Cologne, Germany.
May 2015 ESA Level 2 Standardization Training Program: “Multidisciplinary Program on the Application of ESA List of Approved Standards”, ESA Internal Training, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), European Space Agency (ESA) in Noordwijk, Netherlands.

Training on Selected Disciplines of the ECSS (European Cooperation for Space Standardization) Standards:

  • E10: System Engineering
  • E20: Electrical and Optical Engineering
  • E60: Control Engineering
  • Q60: Electrical, Electronic and Electro-Mechanical (EEE) Components
April 2015 ESA Level 1 Standardization Training Program: “Introduction to ESA Standardization System and its Implementation in the Agency's Programs and Projects”, ESA Internal Training, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), European Space Agency (ESA) in Noordwijk, Netherlands.
March 2015 Seminar “Preventing Espionage”, DLR-Internal Training for Executive Personnel, DLR Headquarters, Cologne, Germany.
October 2014 Laboratory Head Training, German Employer's Liability Insurance Association, German Aerospace Center (DLR).
May 2014 Attendance at the 2014/May TEC-ED & TEC-SW Final Presentation Days, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), European Space Agency (ESA) in Noordwijk, Netherlands.
March 2014 Seminar “Introduction into Patent Law”, German Aerospace Center (DLR).
January 2014 Attendance at the Workshop on ATD Experiment Flight Opportunities in the Frame of the German SHEFEX Program, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), European Space Agency (ESA) in Noordwijk, Netherlands.
November 2013 Attendance at the 4th Astrium Space Transportation Research & Technology Days, November 28–29, 2013, Paris, France.
October 2013 Attendance at the 7th ESA Workshop on Avionics, Data, Control and Software Systems (ADCSS 2013), European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), European Space Agency (ESA) in Noordwijk, Netherlands.
May 2013 Seminar “Legal Aspects of Open Source Software”, German Aerospace Center (DLR), DLR Headquarters, Cologne, Germany.
April 2013 Seminar “Navigation and Data Fusion” (Certified Training), Technische Universität München (TUM) in Cooperation with MBDA Missile Systems, Garching, Germany.


  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Holzapfel
    TUM, Chair of the Institute of Flight System Dynamics
  • Dr.-Ing. Johann Dambeck, MBDA Missile Systems, TUM
  • Dipl.-Ing. Georg Herbold, MBDA Missile Systems, TUM
  • Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Braun, TUM


  • Geodesy
    • Geodetic Datum: Historical and Current Earth Ellipsoids
    • Geometrical Figure of the Earth: Cartesian, Spherical, Geodetic and (Spatial) Ellipsoidal Coordinates, Ellipsoid of Revolution, Curvatures of an Ellipsoid of Revolution,
    • Physical Figure of the Earth: Integral Gravitation Field Equation, Differential Gravitation Field Equations, Laplace vs. Laplace-Beltrami Operator, Surface Harmonics, Earth's external Gravitational Potential
    • Earth Gravity Model 1996 (EGM96): Introduction, Normalized EGM96 Gravitational Coefficients truncated at $n = m = 9$, WGS84 EGM96 Geoid, The Geoid as Reference Surface for Heights, Example: Deflection of the Vertical
    • Gravity Field of an Equipotential Ellipsoid of Revolution (Level Ellipsoid): Gravity Potential Field as (Truncated) Spherical Harmonics Series Expansion, Gravity Vector and Gravity Vector Gradient Truncated After $J_2$ and $J_4$ Term, Exact Closed-Form Solution in Ellipsoidal Coordinates, Derivation of Somigliana's Formula, Exact Formula of Somigliana, Free Air Reduction of Altitudes < 30 km, Evaluation and Residuals of Normal Gravity Formula, Somigliana (Normal) Gravity Gradient in n-Frame, Evaluation of WGS84 Gravity Vector Gradient
    • World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84): WGS84 Datum and Refinements, Defining Parameters, Derived Geometric Constants, Derived Physical Constants
  • Inertial Navigation Sensors
    • Sensor Technologies
      • History
      • Platform Systems vs. Strapdown Systems
      • Accelerometers: Principle, Sensor Errors, Mechanical Pendulous Accelerometer, Micro-Electromechanical Pendulous Accelerometers, Performance Overview
      • Gyroscopes: The Sagnac Effect, Ring Laser Gyro (RLG), Fiber-Optic Gyro (FOG), Performance Overview
    • IMU Calibration: Introduction, Models and Governing Equations for Accelerometer Sensor Errors, Accelerometer Calibration Example, Assessment of Required Calibration Lab Setup Accuracies, High-Precision Turn Table, Industrial Robot Calibration, Models and Governing Equations of Gyroscope Sensor Errors, Gyroscope Calibration Example
    • Stationary Alignment: Leveling, Gyro Compassing, Stationary Alignment in Polar Regions, Influence on Attitude of IMU Error Propagation, IMU Classification, Tactical and Navigation Grade IMUs
  • Inertial Navigation Algorithms
    • Reference Frames
    • Derivation of the Strapdown Inertial Navigation ODEs
    • Conventional Rotation Parameters
    • Parameterizations of the Group of Rotation Matrices
    • Parameterized Orientation Differential Equations
    • Strapdown Inertial Navigation ODEs for Non-Integrating IMUs
    • Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations
    • All-Earth Navigation: Motivation, Introduction of Local Quaternions, Alternatives to the North-Indicating n-Frame, The Free Azimuth Horizontal Wander Frame
  • Integrating IMU Algorithms
  • Navigation Error Propagation
  • Stochastic Sensor Error Processes
  • Satellite Navigation
  • Navigation System Theory
  • Multi-Sensor Multi-Frequency Data Fusion
  • Integrated Navigation Systems
October 2010 Seminar “Agil Extrem: Houston, we've had a problem. — Agile Methoden im Projektmanagement am Beispiel von Apollo 13” (Certified Training), Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg, Germany.

Instructor: Lucius Bobikiewicz, MBA, Halle (Saale)

May 2010 Seminar “Eventrecht” (Certified Training)

Instructor: Mandy Risch-Kerst, Lawyer (eventlawyers.de), Berlin

contract and liability law, employment law, business and company law, industrial property protection, entertainment and internet law, law of GEMA, insurance law, public law, fiscal law (all in the context of public events under the legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany)

Awards and Distinctions

November 26, 2009 2009 Student Research Award of the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences (monetary award of 750.– €)

Research Paper:

Versuchsaufbau, Protokoll- und Softwareimplementierung
zur Systemidentifikation von Reaktionsrädern des Typs RW90

September 24, 2009 Certificate of Appreciation for the Contributions as Member of the Senate by the Principal of the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences
July 2006 Distinction — Valedictorian (3rd Place) of the 2006 Class
July 2004 Distinction — Valedictorian of the 2006 Class with Specialization on Engineering
July 9, 2003 Distinction — Valedictorian of the 2003 Class (3rd Place)

Research Experience

since Jan. 2016 Reusability Flight Experiment (ReFEx)
DLR-internal project for the research and development of technologies for reusable launch vehicles. The flight experiment shall demonstrate the capability to autonomously control the flight of a vehicle in hypersonic to transsonic flight regimes.

Navigation System: Work Package Manager and Systems Engineer, Design of On-Board Computing and Data Handling Architecture, Highly Reliable Distributed Systems Design, Software Engineering \vspace{2mm}

since Feb. 2014 Euglena Combined Regenerative Organic-Food Production in Space (Eu:CROPIS)
Eu:CROPIS is a biological life support system experiment, which deals with stability and self-sustainability of such systems under different levels of acceleration. Eu:CROPIS is the name of both the mission as well as the mission driving primary payload (P/L #1) onboard the DLR Compact Satellite.

Attitude Control System Engineer (Sensor Front-End Electronics, Radiation Test Campaign)

since Jan. 2013 Sharp Edge Flight Experiment III (SHEFEX III)
Third flight experiment mission within the SHEFEX (Sharp Edge Flight Experiment) program of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) for the development of hypersonic flight and re-entry technologies.

Navigation System: Work Package Manager and Systems Engineer, Design of On-Board Computing and Data Handling Architecture, Highly Reliable Distributed Systems Design, Software Engineering

May 2012 – Dec. 2013 Simulation Model Library (SimMoLib)
A simulation model library prototype for the exchange of validated, verified, and extensively documented simulation models between all DLR institutes.

Ontology for the Linking of Simulation Models, Model Developer

since May 2012 High Performance Satellite Dynamics Simulator (HPS)
Extensive collection of simulation models for attitude and orbit control systems (AOCS) and guidance, navigation and control (GNC) systems for space applications. The simulation models are highly accurate, allowing simulations for science missions with a high demand for measurement accuracy. Developed in cooperation with the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM), Bremen, Germany.

Technical Manager, Developer

Teaching Experience


Summer Term 2010 Reliability and Quality Assurance
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Master Course, on behalf of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Eckhard Liebscher
  • Lecture “Accelerated Life Testing”
  • Practical Courses “Systems Reliability”

Supervised Theses

Master's Theses

  • Ayoub, Samy: Development of a Power Distribution Unit Controller for the SHEFEX III Navigation System. Master's Thesis, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany, July 13, 2015. (Research Advisor)
  • Kwiatkowski, Norbert: Entwicklung von Test- und Verifikationsprozeduren für eine hochverfügbare Leistungsversorgungseinheit auf Basis einer Fehlermöglichkeits- und -einflussanalyse. Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering. Jade University of Applied Sciences, Wilhelmshaven Oldenburg Elsfleth, Germany, December 22, 2015. (Research Co-Advisor)
  • Schneider, Matthias Martin: Development of a Real-Time Capable Ethernet Gateway for the SHEFEX III Navigation System. Master's Thesis, Master of Science in Embedded Systems. Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands, August 7, 2015. (Research Advisor)

Bachelor's Theses

  • Johannsen, Lars: Erarbeitung eines Konzeptes zur aktiven Steuerung einer hochzuverlässigen Leistungsversorgungseinheit für ein hybrides Navigationssystem. Bachelor's Thesis, Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering. Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany, July 13, 2015. (Research Advisor)
  • Kwiatkowski, Norbert: Entwicklung eines Referenzdesigns einer hochverfügbaren Leistungsversorgungseinheit für das SHEFEX III-Navigationssystem. Bachelor's Thesis, Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering. Jade University of Applied Sciences, Wilhelmshaven Oldenburg Elsfleth, Germany, January 27, 2014. (Research Co-Advisor)
  • Proppe, Myrthe: Prototyp-Entwicklung einer Auswerteelektronik für Beschleunigungssensoren einer Inertialmesseinheit. Bachelor's Thesis, Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering. Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Bremen, Germany, July 18, 2014. (Research Advisor)

Secondary and Free-Lance Activities

Jun. 2011 – Dec. 2011 Consultant and Proposal Writer
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg, Germany
Prof. Dr. phil. Hardy Geyer, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Learning
Multiple Work Contracts for the University Management for the Development of a Concept for the Increase of Application-Oriented Teaching and the Improvement of Supervision of Beginning Students
Oct. 2009 – Sep. 2010 Student Assistant
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg, Germany
Faculty of Computer Science and Communication Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Hartmann, Dean
Research Project “Virtual Places”
Oct. 2009 – Mar. 2010 Student Assistant
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg, Germany
Faculty of Computer Science and Communication Systems
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ronny Weinkauf
Development of an E-Learning Module
Mar. 2009 – Nov. 2009 Intern
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Space Systems, Bremen, Germany
Department of Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems
Experimental Setup, Protocol and Software Implementation for the System Identification of Reaction Wheels of Type RW90
Oct. 2007 – Mar. 2009 Student Assistant
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg, Germany
Faculty of Computer Science and Communication Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Hartmann, Dean
Research Project “Virtual Places”
Apr. 2007 – Sep. 2007 Student Assistant
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg, Germany
Faculty of Computer Science and Communication Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Monika Trundt
Preparation of Teaching Materials in the Field of Electrical Engineering

Professional Affiliations

May 2007 – Dec. 2013 The Association of German Engineers (VDI)
Student Member
Mar. 2011 – Dec. 2012 Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V. (DPG)

Professional Service to Scientific Community

Organization of Events, Workshops, and Special Sessions

Feb. 2009 – Jun. 2009 Organizing Committee Member
2009 Whitsun Meeting. German Statistical Society (DStatG), Merseburg University and University of Halle, Germany, June 2009.

Academic Administration

Merseburg University
of Applied Sciences
  • Member of the Senate (Oct. 2007 – Mar. 2009)
  • Chair of the Student Council (Oct. 2007 – Sep. 2008)
  • Member of the Faculty Board (Oct. 2008 – Mar. 2009)
    Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
  • Deputy Member of the Faculty Board (Oct. 2007 – Sep. 2008)
    Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
  • Member of the Appointments Committee (2007 – 2008)
    Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
    Professor of Mechanical Engineering


Stephan Theil
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Space Systems
Dept. of Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems
Robert-Hooke-Str. 7
DE–28359 Bremen, GERMANY
Tel.: +49 - 421 - 244 20 - 11 13
E-Mail: stephan.theil@dlr.de

Relation: Head of GNC Systems Department (Direct Manager)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Hartmut Kröner
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Computer Science and Communication Systems
Eberhard-Leibniz-Str. 2
DE–06217 Merseburg, GERMANY
Tel.: +49 - 3461 - 46 - 29 60
E-Mail: hartmut.kroener@hs-merseburg.de

Relation: Master's Thesis Supervisor

Voluntary and Social Activities

merseburg e. V.
Non-Profit Motorsports Association
  • Chairman (Jan. 2006 – May 2009)
  • Foundation Member, Secretary (2005)
Non-Profit Students' Association
  • Trustee, Legal Counselor (since November 2, 2012)
  • Treasurer, Legal Representative (Aug. 2008 – Nov. 2012)
  • Member (since April 2008)
Deutschland e. V.
Local Chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation (Operator of Wikipedia) in Germany
  • Member (2007 – 2013)

General Competencies

Programming Languages PHP, C, C++, C#, $\LaTeX$, (X)HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, (Embedded) MATLAB, Mathematica, Siemens Step7, Basic, Pascal, R, Lua, SVG, Universal 3D (U3D), Extensible 3D (X3D)
Promotion of
Open Source Software
  • Owner and Operator of the Comprehensive $\TeX$ Archive Network (CTAN) Mirror
    (ctan.space-pro.be) for Germany and Europe
  • Owner and Operator of One of the Four SpamAssassin Update Servers Worldwide
Software Scientific Computing and Simulation:
Mathematica, MATLAB/Simulink, Scilab/Scicos, R, SPICE (NASA), Statistica, Visual Studio

Scientific Visualization:
Celestia, Gnuplot, Meshlab, POV-Ray

Web Application Development, Web Frameworks:

  • Frameworks: jQuery, jQuery UI
  • CMS: Drupal, Joomla!, MediaWiki, phpBB, Typo3, WordPress
  • Server Software: Apache Webserver, MySQL, PHP, PostgreSQL, Postfix, Dovecot, Subversion
  • Administration: phpMyAdmin, putty, OpenSSH

Mechanical Engineering:

$\LaTeX$, doxygen, GIMP, Illustrator, Inkscape, LibreOffice, Microsoft Office, Photoshop

IT Competencies
  • extensive knowledge and experiences with administration and setup of servers, computers, and computer networks
  • conception and programming of own software, contributions to several open source projects (e. g. Drupal CMS, Mozilla Firefox)
Accreditations Under the Laws of the Federal Republic of Germany:
  • Security Clearance According to § 7 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 Luftsicherheitsgesetz (LuftSiG)
  • Emergency Responder According to § 10 Arbeitsschutzgesetz (ArbSchG) and § 21 Sozialgesetzbuch VII (SGB VII)
  • Permission to Operate Bridge and Pillar-Mounted Slewing Cranes According to the Regulations of the German Employer's Liability Insurance Association


Conference Presentations

May 8, 2014 13th International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps)
Venue:Pasadena, California, USA
Title:A Fault-Tolerant On-Board Computing and Data Handling Architecture Incorporating a Concept for Failure Detection, Isolation, and Recovery for the SHEFEX III Navigation System


Author Identifiers
ORCID: 0000-0002-8255-9451 ResearcherID: D-4186-2015 Scopus Author ID: 56176660500

Refereed Publications

Conference Proceedings

  • Deshmukh, Meenakshi; Schwarz, René; Braukhane, Andy; Lopéz, Rosa París; Gerndt, Andreas: Model Linking to Improve Visibility and Reusability of Models during Space System Development. In: Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 1–8, 2014, Big Sky, Montana, USA. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), March 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5582-4. DOI 10.1109/AERO.2014.6836287.

Non-Refereed Publications


  • Schwarz, René: Development of an illumination simulation software for the Moon's surface: An approach to illumination direction estimation on pictures of solid planetary surfaces with a significant number of craters. Master's Thesis, Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, German Aerospace Center (DLR). Books on Demand, Norderstedt, Germany, 2012. ISBN 978-3-8482-1628-4.

Book Chapters

Conference Proceedings

  • Schwarz, René; Theil, Stephan: A Fault-Tolerant On-Board Computing and Data Handling Architecture Incorporating a Concept for Failure Detection, Isolation, and Recovery for the SHEFEX III Navigation System. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps), May 5–9, 2014, Pasadena, California, USA. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), May 8, 2014. AIAA Paper No. 2014-1874. DOI 10.2514/6.2014-1874.