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From M.Eng. René Schwarz, Bremen/Merseburg
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M.Eng. René Schwarz

Dear Visitor,

welcome on my personal website. You can find some information concerning my scientific work and interests, mainly covering the areas of computer science, space science and technology, and math, as well as information on myself here.

Students of the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences may find some materials that I prepared during my study time for the courses mentioned above within the category “Science”.

Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of questions, criticism, errors or any other concerns. You may find my contact information here.

— M.Eng. René Schwarz

New Blog Posts

DLR Pictures of the Year 2016
René Schwarz (talk), 21 January 2017 11:07


New Memorandum "Quaternions and Spatial Rotation" Released
René Schwarz (talk), 29 October 2014 15:42

Preview of Memorandum #6: Quaternions and Spatial Rotation

The Memorandum "Quaternions and Spatial Rotation" has been published as part of my Memorandum Series. It provides a compact introduction into quaternions and their application for spatial rotations:

  • brief introduction into quaternions, their components, notations, and properties
  • quaternion algebra formulary summarizing
    • basic properties (quaternion equality, hypercomplex conjugate, norm, and inverse)
    • basic operations (quaternion addition and subtraction, multiplication, division, normalization, cross and dot product)
    • exponential and logarithmic functions (quaternion exponential function, natural logarithm, logarithmic functions, power and root functions)
    • trigonometric and hyperbolic functions of quaternions
  • application of quaternions in the context of spatial rotations, quaternion rotation operators, rotations and transformations
  • conversion algorithms:
    • Euler Angles to Quaternion (for all 12 possible rotation sequences)
    • Quaternion to Euler Angles (for all 12 possible rotation sequences)
    • Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) to Quaternion
    • Quaternion to Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM)
    • Euler Angles to Rotation Matrix (for all 12 possible rotation sequences)
  • time derivative of a rotation quaternion
  • quaternion interpolation algorithms
    • linear interpolation (LERP)
    • spherical linear interpolation (SLERP)

Have a look here if you are also interested into other Memoranda out of my Memorandum Series.


DLR-Jahresfilm 2013
René Schwarz (talk), 23 February 2014 15:29


OpenPGP Key Transition
René Schwarz (talk), 11 August 2013 16:47

In the light of the recent occurences in the domain of computer security, I will hereby replace my old OpenPGP key by a new and stronger key. The old key is invalid with immediate effect and I recommend to use my new one for all future correspondence. Please see my key transition notice here for further details:



Using Moxa NPort 5450 Serial to IP Server with Linux Kernel Version 3.8.0 (tested with Ubuntu 13.04)
René Schwarz (talk), 7 August 2013 07:39

Unfortunately, Moxa's NPort Real TTY Driver for Linux is currently (version 1.18, released 2012/03/20) not compatible with Linux kernel 3.8.0. When I tried to install this driver for the NPort 5450 Serial to IP Server on my Ubuntu 13.04 machine (currently with kernel 3.8.0-27), the driver didn't compile. It turned out, that it is possible to patch the driver source code in order to get it work with Linux kernel 3.8.0 – here is a short documentation what I did.


New Memorandum on Astronomical Constants Released
René Schwarz (talk), 24 July 2013 12:18

In endeavor to extend my Memorandum Series, I published a new Memorandum on astrodynamical constants, listing commonly used constants in astrodynamics as well as in space science and engineering with their latest values according to recent publications. This Memorandum is going to be updated with new constants from time to time.

Have a look here if you are also interested into other Memoranda out of my Memorandum Series:


  • M004: Conversion between Gregorian and Julian Dates
  • M006: Quaternions and Spatial Rotation


Master's Thesis Available as Book and Download
René Schwarz (talk), 23 July 2013 14:41

Book cover

After one year of having missed to update the page on my Master's Thesis, I am finally pleased to announce the availability of my master's thesis „Development of an illumination simulation software for the Moon's surface: An approach to illumination direction estimation on pictures of solid planetary surfaces with a significant number of craters“ as book both in form of a free download (PDF file) and in form of a printed paperback copy over the book trade.

For details see this page.


php_mailparse.dll for PHP 5.4.x (VC9 version) available
René Schwarz (talk), 17 May 2012 12:45

I'm pleased to announce the immediate availability of a precompiled php_mailparse.dll for the PHP 5.4.x series, built with VC9. This version is compatible with the standard 32-bit binaries of PHP for Windows.

php_mailparse.dll for PHP 5.4.x is available for download here.

Please notice the instructions written here (they are valid for the new version too).


Breathtaking Time-Lapse Aurora Video in Norway 2012
René Schwarz (talk), 7 February 2012 12:56

Today I've seen this breathtaking time-lapse aurora video made in Norway, January 2012, by Christian Mülhauser. It is so fascinating, that it would be a shame not to share it with you.

Many thanks to Christian Mülhauser for his efforts!


Misleading Output of MySQL Profiling Feature
René Schwarz (talk), 30 January 2012 14:23

During the ongoing work on my Master's Thesis I noticed a bug in the MySQL profiling feature: The output of the SHOW PROFILE statement is misleading, since the presented durations are not given for the status in the same row, but the durations are given for the previous status!
